Bali you are a beautiful mistress
Who no one can really possess
You are a goddess who rules the heart
You challenge us to be our authentic best
You are a cruel mistress
You come and go as you please
You keep me home & don’t let me out
Your currency is pain
The shame of being ashamed
Who are we
Without shame?
How else do we
Become moulded
Into what other
People will like
Domestic Violence
You loved me
I trusted you
We got married
You hated me
Then you loved me
Then you cried
A teenager
Full of hurt, pain and anger
I need to get it out
A lost girl
Trying to find her way
Take her power back
The pain of Fibromyalgia
A dark tunnel with sharp edges
Everytime you move
The piercing stab takes the breath away
The thick silent air screams
The cruel relationship of pain
Don’t touch me
My skin is burning
Go away
You can’t understand the pain
The Irony of Pain
As some of you know, I suffer from Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue, and Migraines.
I wrote the following poem whilst on a 3 month sabbatical in Greece, looking for our next Bliss International Enterprise Venture.