You loved me
I trusted you
We got married
You hated me
Then you loved me
Then you cried
You were angry
At life
In general
Them sometimes
Just by being there
I got in the way
I became an outlet
For your hatred
And for your anger
Your toxicity
Spewed onto me
Like a rancid bucket of skewed truths
I have no respect
For you
How did I ever love you?
You pulled the wool
Over my eyes
You slammed the door on my heart
I was your wife
You thought
You controlled me
But I wasn’t your slave
I took my power back
And left you by the road
You have no right
To think you own me
Or to make me feel powerless
You have no right
To get violent
Or throw your fists around
Your angry rage
Is like a child
Who needs a good telling off
Someone whose
Impulse control
Is obsolete
You are weak
You are hopeless
You are sad
I am sad for you
Because you don’t know
What you had
Because you have
To live with yourself
And repeat the pattern
You are the powerless one
With no self control
A true victim
Whatever happened to you
To make you like this
I am sorry
The choices you make
As an adult
Are your responsibility
Grow up
Do the work to heal
And do better
Because a violent man
Towards a woman he loves
Is the weakest man of all.