A teenager
Full of hurt, pain and anger
I need to get it out
A lost girl
Trying to find her way
Take her power back
I am nothing
I feel deep inside me
That I don’t matter
No one cares
I can’t control it
I am ugly and distraught
Who am i?
I ask myself
But I don’t answer
What do I matter?
The black surrounding me
Says that I don’t
The nausea
Is my only feeling
And I succumb to it
The pain
Is too deep
I need to throw it up
My life
Feels like someone else’s
I’m an imposter
I see
My fingers go
Down my throat
I feel the pain
Deep inside
I’m gagging wanting it out
I am wretching
It’s what I deserve
I need it gone
I am nothing
I am no one
I am free
Only when
The tears stream
Down my face
I feel
Alive again
Woken up
Only when
My throat swells
My words are safe
I feel
Validated by
My bodies reaction
Only when
My fingers smell
I have vomited out the bad
I feel
Of the toxic pain
Only when
I lay down in shame
My secrets are safe
I feel
Exhausted and
In control again