Love lost

Pink heart shaped water droplet
Pink heart shaped water droplet

A passionate Love
The one made of dreams
Everything I wanted
And more

Our hearts connected
Our souls already knew
We were meant to be
But only for now

The trauma and heartache
Of the things that
Happened before me
Became insurmountable for him

I didn’t know what to do
I didn’t know how to handle it
I simply gave him everything
And hoped for the best

The best is yet to come
Wasn’t a term
That worked out for me
Or for our relationship

The heartache
The gut wrenching knowledge
That we were no longer connected
That we could break

And we did
It was horrible
It took years
It was traumatic

Falling out of love
Takes so much longer
Than falling in love
And all that it entails

The steady hairline fracture
That becomes a massive crack
Which breaks apart
And then just sits there with no support

Friends didn’t know
What to think
What to say
Or what to do

Their own fears took over
Could this happen to me?
I don’t have room for their drama
Get me out of here

My fears went into overdrive
My whole world fell apart
How could love
Do this to me

Even in the relationship
I was all alone
But now
Everybody knew it

There was no armour
I was exposed
It was raw
The loneliness consumed me

The fear took over
The anxiety took hold
The love was replaced
With emptiness and horror

I’m glad I loved
It was amazing at first
My heart expanded
Before it broke

I learnt and I grew
I fell apart
Then I picked myself up
And I am healing

I am ready to love again
Not like that
My heart is healed
And is bigger

My heart is knowledgeable
It is open
And reinforced with
Emotional intelligence

I am ready for a love
Like I have never known
That knows no bounds
That can fly so high

A big Love
Yin and Yang
Heart Mind & Soul Expansion

I hope…