You are so beautiful
My inner child
Plays and dances
Without a care in the world
She is 11
You are so jaded
My inner child
Sits in anger
Trusting no one
She is 9
You are so distant
My inner child
Almost untouchable
Aloof and uncontrollable
She is 13
You are so little
My inner child
Traumas already ensuing
Retreating to a safe place
She is 3
You are so happy
My inner child
Looking forward not backwards
Excited for the future
She is 14
You love to dance
My inner child
You take the bad with the good
And judge no one
She is 12
You are petulant
My inner child
You take no shit
And you know who we are
She is 10
You are warm hearted
My inner child
You see the best in everyone
Including me
She is 7
And then there is the part of me
I disconnected from
I feared
I hid
She is all ages
She is brave
She is the one I’m scared of
She is the dark to my light
She doesn’t define me
But she is me
And she is not me
She is the horrific past
You are so dark and stormy
My inner child
She took the brunt
And hid all the bad stuff
She is the one I grappled with in therapy
She hid the things I didn’t want to face
She was the mistress of all my pain
And the martyr for my sanity
She is the one who took all the healing
We are all one
We are all in this together
We have all had traumas
We have all lived an amazing life
We are real
We are important
We are relevant
And we are in the now
We are the sum of all parts
The history
The present day
The yin and yang
My inner children are my blessing
Ive enjoyed getting to know them
Getting to know myself
And who I am in this world